Hemmoor Cup The Kreidesee in Hemmoor 80 km west of Hamburg is probably one of northern europes best places for training freediving (see detailed info on Hemmoor old quarry). For the second year the Hemmoor Cup was held here on the 6-7 july 2001. Constant and static. A well organized competition with 43 participants (8 women) coming from six different countries. Two ropes in constant and two zones in static made it possible to keep the competition within the day. Weather was perfect. A TV link was set up from a UW video down at the bottom of the rope to a screen on shore. Not the best of picture quality though. Four national records were set. Official results can be seen on AIDA Deutschland internetpage. Short video from the championships and diving in the Kreidesee (click here - quicktime only. 3.3MB). More extensive video can be bought from AIDA deutschland.
Photos by Sebastian, Jonas and Magnus |